Coming Home Set


Welcome to the Coming Home Audio Set from Boundless Joy!

The aim of this audio set is to gently help you work through a series of clearings that open a pathway so you can more deeply experience the fullness of who you are.

Understandably, our focus is typically on what is unfolding in our day-to-day lives – our experiences, our thoughts and our emotions. Sometimes we believe that this is sum total of who we are: people going about their lives, dealing with the ups and downs and contending with what we think and feel about these experiences.

The Truth is that we are so much more than that. We are multi-dimensional beings having a human experience and we are connected to all of creation. This audio set seeks to translate these ideas into actual experiences so you can more fully sense just how expansive and miraculous you really are. That is what coming home is really all about.

  • The first two MP3s – Quieting the Mind and Calming the Emotions – provide specific energetic clearings. Working with these audios can help you know, on a more visceral level, that you are not your thoughts, and you are not your emotions – you are the one who experiences and observes these. 

  • The third MP3 – Clearing Your Energy Field – is a broader clearing for your energy field, to help you release energetic patterns and fragments so your energy can flow with greater ease.

  • These three audios set the stage for the fourth audio – Coming Home: Connecting with the Fullness of Who You Really Are. In this audio, we address the question: If you are not your mind and you are not your emotions, who are you?

Each of the audios has three elements: A spoken introduction that provides an overview of what the audio addresses, a track of music, and a track of infused energy that facilitates the related clearing. As you listen to the music, allow the energies to embrace you and flow through you. The energies facilitate the clearings associated with the audio.

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